Sweet Dreams

This project was truly special. Working with these first-time parents, following their journey from a blissfully married couple to a new family of three was beautiful and the excitement was infectious. It was a privilege to create an elegant yet playful space for this baby girl’s first bedroom. The clients wanted something bespoke, with lots of storage that could grow with their needs as a family but also something luxurious. The clients had worked hard to give their baby girl the finer things in life and they wanted her first bedroom to reflect that. Dusty pink neutrals form the base of the colour palette with rich warm gold tones introduced through bespoke pieces to give this space a luxury feel. Beautiful arched windows frame Mia’s cot, making it the centrepiece of the room. This mirrors the way she has become the centre of her parents’ lives. For peaceful nursing moments, we sourced a beautiful armchair from XXX and had it upholstered in luxurious pink velvet to fit the soft tones of the room harmoniously. This is a space to create memories to last a lifetime and it has been such a privilege to be part of this family’s new adventure.